Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to APPROVE a Change Order for a $120,000.00 Extension of the STORM SEWER CLEANING, TELEVISING, AND EVALUATION CONTRACT with J.C. DILLON, INC., and to Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Change Order for a Total Amount of $386,000.00. (All Council Districts)
BACKGROUND: City Council approved an Agreement with JC Dillon (Item No. 22-211) at the June 28, 2022, Council Meeting from Public Works from the Base Bid of $241,685.00 with an Additional Authorization of $24,315.00 (10%) for a Total Award of 266,000.00 to inspect and rate the condition of the storm sewers using high definition digital cameras mounted on remote-controlled small tractors. This work will also include cleaning these pipes with high-pressure water and vacuum systems. The contract covers five sections within the City of Peoria (one in each Council District) that adds up to 68,000 feet of pipe ranging in size from 4" to 60" in diameter. Pipes, manholes, and inlets will all be rated based on an industry standard that has been adopted by the Public Works Department. Four bids were received and JC Dillon was significantly less than the other three bids and the Engineer's estimate.
Because the bid price came in lower than the project budget and the prices were a good value, Public Works proposes to increase the work under this contract to inspect and clean additional portions of the system. JC Dillon's work to date has been on schedule and the City has additional infrastructure that needs to be cleaned and televised.
J.C. Dillon, Inc. is a local business that has successfully performed work for Peoria in the past. Because of the nature of this project and the specialized equipment and training required, J.C. Dillon proposes to perform all the work and not use MBE or WBE sub-contractors. J.C. Dillon, Inc. completed the Drainage Repair Contract from 2019 to 2021 with 23.3% (18% goal)...
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