Communication from the City Manager with a Request to APPROVE an Amendment to the SOLID WASTE COLLECTION CONTRACT with PEORIA DISPOSAL SERVICES, INC. to Extend Existing Service Until September 1, 2019.
BACKGROUND: On March 6, 2019 a Special Meeting of the City Council was held at the Gateway Building. The Agenda Item up for discussion at that time was Agenda Item 19-034, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A for reference, Communication from the City Manager with a Request to Approve the First Amendment to the Solid Waste Collection Contract with Peoria Disposal Services, Inc. to Restore Alley Recycling Collection within the Neighborhoods with Alleys on a Monthly Basis. At that time, the City Council voted 6-4 to continue with Option 1 that provided for alley pick on a monthly basis at no additional cost through June 2019, in the older neighborhoods, in order to allow the City Council to discuss the matter more thoroughly, to finish the cart audit, and to evaluate the matter without placing an undue hardship on the residents. As you remember, Option 1 provided for the following:
Option 1 - Revert to Monthly Recycling within Neighborhoods Served by Alleys
Effective April 1, 2019 PDC would service all locations in the alleys. Recycling users within the neighborhoods with alleys (see attached map) would have monthly pick up of recyclables, even if their current service location is curbside. Recycling users would now have monthly recycling serviced in the same location where they set out their trash and yard waste. These customers would continue to be able to receive up to two (2) recycling carts at no charge per the contract with PDC.
At this time Staff is recommending that this Option 1 be extended until September 1, 2019 so that negotiation may continue. PDC has now finished its route audit and the City is actively working with PDC to resolve the differences between PDC's audit and the City's route audit. In additio...
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