Communication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request from the Advisory Commission on Human Resource (HRC) to APPROVE the 2017 CDBG Public Service Application.
On an annual basis, the City of Peoria receives Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). A maximum of 15% of the overall CDBG allocation is designated for public service activities. The Advisory Commission on Human Resources (HRC) is the City Commission that receives, reviews and makes funding recommendations regarding Public Service activities to City Council for final approval.
At the June 17, 2016 Commission meeting, the Commissioners voted to recommend seven (7) funding priorities for the 2017 application. Attachment A is a memorandum from the HRC Chairperson, Nancy Rakoff, regarding the process of the Commission in making this request for the approval of the application that incorporates these priorities. Attachment B includes the description of all the possible funding areas allowed by HUD that can be selected by Council.
The survey results showed a clear break in the Commission's ranking (Attachment C). The top seven priorities, ranked highest to lowest, included:
1) Child Care Services (Under 13)
2) Youth Services (13 to 19)
3) Services for Abused and Neglected Children
4) Mental Health Services
5) Senior Services
6) Services for Battered and Abused Spouses
7) Employment Training
Independent from the selection of the funding priorities, the HRC thoroughly reviewed and modified the application, timeline, and materials for clarity and content. The Commission requests City Council approval of the 2017 application that incorporates the recommended priorities (Attachment D).
FINANCIAL IMPACT: It is estimated that approximately $224,500 in CDBG public service funds will be available in fiscal year 2017.
NEIGHBORHOOD CONCERNS: Public hearings and...
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