Communication from the City Manager and the Director of Community Development with a Request for DIRECTION as to the Development of DESIGN and MATERIAL STANDARDS for the City of Peoria. (City Wide)
BACKGROUND: On various occasions over the past few years, the City Council has discussed - and in a few circumstances, adopted - design and material standards for specific areas, or developments in Peoria. These circumstances include the following:
* The Form Districts (Warehouse, West Main, Prospect, Sheridan).
* Single-family infill development in the Heart of Peoria area.
* Various Overlay Districts.
* Special Uses.
* Annexation agreements.
* Redevelopment agreements.
This communication reflects a request for direction as to the development of design and material standards for all development in Peoria. The City Council voted in the 2017 strategic planning process to put Development Design Standards and Review Process as a High Policy Priority. The development of city-wide design and material standards could be a lengthy and time-consuming effort, involving outreach, public meetings, and hearings before the Planning & Zoning Commission. To that end, the purpose of this communication is to determine the direction that Council has for this endeavor.
Design and material standards can be structured in many ways, from highly prescriptive requirements to general intent statements administered by design review boards. What almost all design and material standards have in common is a broad application to all development and a waiver process based on a true hardship and not a mere inconvenience or desire to not follow the standards.
Attached to this communication are two examples of design and material standards. The first example is from the Warehouse District Form Code. This would represent a prescriptive approach. The second example is from the City of Minneapolis, where the approach is more performance based and the property o...
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