Communication from the City Manager and ECC Manager with a Request to PURCHASE a Replacement Fire Station Alerting System from LOCUTION SYSTEMS, INC., in the amount of $294,286.00, and APPLICATIONS DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (ADSi), in the amount of $20,000.00.
BACKGROUND: The Capital Improvement Budget provides for the replacement of the Fire Department - fire station alerting system. This system is the link between the Emergency Communication Center and the twelve (12) fire stations. The current system was installed in 1986 and has outlived its useful life and is prone to frequent repairs. It also does not meet current National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) fire station alerting standards.
On March 28, 2016 the Purchasing Division issued a request for proposal and solicitations were sent to eight (8) vendors. The City received three (3) responses on June 8, 2016 from two vendors: Chicago Communications with a primary and alternate response and Locution Systems. The proposals were reviewed and the primary proposals were scored. (See Attachment A)
Locution Systems was selected as the successful proposal.
Over the past few months the City has been working with Locution on the detailed technical aspects of the alerting system. Locution offers the Peoria Fire Department an alerting system that is built for the future. Future components that may be needed can be added to the base system. The alerting system will be Insurance Service Office (ISO) compliant for monitored circuitry and should provide additional points for future ISO inspections. The alerting system will have ramped audio that will not startle firefighters, provide turn out timers to improve turn out time, and a day/night switch that will allow activation of only those fire stations that need to respond to a call for service. In conjunction with the installation, our current software provider ADSi will connect the system to the computer aided dispatch (CAD) s...
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