Communication from the City Manager and the Community Development Director with a Request to APPROVE a Substantial Amendment to the City's 2012 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN and 2013 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN as Submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to Include Two Additional Projects.
BACKGROUND: On January 12, 2016 (Council Item # 16-005), City Council directed staff to reallocate funding from the current CDBG funded Economic Development Program to fund public infrastructure projects (sidewalks and ADA ramps) identified in the City's 2016 Capital Budget as well as reallocate funding from the current HOME Down Payment Assistance Program as a financial resource for the Attorney General / Peoria LISC Initiative in the East Bluff.
The CDBG fund reallocation required a substantial amendment to the City's 2013 HUD Annual Action Plan to add the sidewalks/ADA ramps activities. Additionally, the HOME fund reallocation required a substantial amendment to the City's 2012 HUD Annual Action Plan to add the Focus Housing Leverage Program activities. The activities are as follows:
1. Public Improvements and Infrastructure ($250,000 - CDBG funds)
CDBG funds will be utilized to fund public infrastructure projects such as sidewalks and accessible ramps on public right of way. The goal of the project is to improve city infrastructure for a more walkable community and ensure access for those with disabilities throughout the City. The project may be City-wide, but will focus on areas in need as rated by the City of Peoria Public Works Department. The funds for this project will be taken from the available 2013 entitlement funds currently allocated to the Economic Development Program. It is anticipated that 2,000 low-to moderate-income households will be served by this activity.
2. Focus Housing Leverage Program ($62,206.66 - HOME funds)
HOME funds will be utilized to support other focused housing projects that assis...
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