Communication from the City Manager and the Chief of Police Requesting Authorization to Apply for the FY2015 COMMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING SERVICES (COPS) Grant to Add Four Police Officers.
BACKGROUND: In May, the US Department of Justice released its application for the FY2015 Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grant. The grant, whose application is due June 19, 2015, will pay for up to 75% of the cost of salary and benefits for additional police officers for three years, but not more than $125,000 in total per officer. The City must commit to maintaining the new authorized strength (inclusive of the new officers) during the fourth year.
The City of Peoria has applied for and been awarded COPS grants in the past. Most recently, in 2013 the City received a COPS grant that paid a total of $750,000 (or about $250,000 per year) for three years to hire an additional six officers. This brought the Police Departments authorized strength of sworn personnel from 218 to 224 where it stands today. Like the present opportunity, the 2013 grant required that during the fourth year of the award, the City will retain the six officers and cover the expenses incurred for that retention. The fourth year retention of the officers funded by the 2013 grant will begin January of 2017.
The Peoria Police Department is seeking funding under the FY2015 COPS hiring program for the addition of four new officers. The 2015 grant will cover up to 75% of the approved entry-level salary and fringe benefits of each new full-time sworn law enforcement officer over the three year funding of the grant period. The City would be responsible for a financial match of at least 25% of the salary and benefits of each officer during those first three years. However, the total grant from the Department of Justice will not exceed $125,000 per officer for the entire grant period which will result in the City paying more than 25% (see Financial Impa...
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