Communication from the City Manager and the Community Development Director with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning Commission and Staff for the Following:
A. To Approve a RESOLUTION Approving the FIRST AMENDMENT TO ANNEXATION AGREEMENT with Site Plan (2/3 or at least 8 affirmative votes needed to pass);
B. To Approve a RESOLUTION to Amend the OFFICIAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN for the City Of Peoria to Change the Future Land Use Designation of Property Currently Designated Low Density Residential and Office to Commercial and High Density Residential (simple majority vote); and
C. To Approve a RESOLUTION Approving the PRELIMINARY PLAT of Peoria Sports Center Subdivision for the Property Generally Located North of Parcel Identification Number 13-02-351-005, South of Parcel Identification Number 13-02-100-005, East of Orange Prairie Road Extended, and West of IL Route 91 (simple majority vote).
To Concur with the Recommendation from Zoning Commission and Staff for the Following:
D. To Adopt an ORDINANCE Amending APPENDIX B, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Peoria, Rezoning Property from the Present Class R-2 (Single Family Residential) District to a Class R-7 (Multi-Family Residential) District and C-2 (Large Scale Commercial) District (2/3 of voting, but not less than 6 affirmative votes needed to pass); and
E. To Adopt an ORDINANCE Approving a SPECIAL USE in a Class C-2 (Large Scale Commercial) District for an Arena and Sports Fields (simple majority vote).
All for the Property Identified as Part of Parcel Identification Number 13-02-300-004, Located within Peoria, IL
The subject property contains 50.55 acres and is currently undeveloped land located along the east side of Orange Prairie Road extended. The property is zoned Class R-2 (Single Family Residential) and surrounded by R-2 (Single Family Residential) zoning to the nor...
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