Communication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Approve a CONTRACT with JIMAX LANDSCAPING for GRASS CUTTING and DEBRIS/LITTER REMOVAL on PRIVATE PROPERTY with Back Up Provisions to STEVE WALTON CONSTRUCTION and TERRY'S LAWN MAINTENANCE.
BACKGROUND: The Community Development Department is responsible for ensuring private property is maintained at a level determined by the City of Peoria code. (Grass, weeds, debris, litter, etc.) If a property owner fails to maintain the property, the City hires a private contractor to complete the work at the expense of the owner.
Please note that this contract only covers private property. Public Works is responsible for the maintenance and contract for Peoria County Trustee and City of Peoria lots.
The Request for Proposal was issued and the City of Peoria received seven (7) proposals. The proposals were evaluated based on approach, experience, price, qualifications and MBE/WBE Participation. Jimax landscaping will be awarded the contract with back up provisions to Steve Walton Construction and Terry's Lawn Maintenance.
A pricing summery sheet is attached. The City of Peoria budgets $150,000 annually for the execution of this contract. The Community Development Department executes about 2,500 work orders on private property on an annual basis.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Community Development Department budgeted for this contract in account 101-1916-507.36-14.
NEIGHBORHOOD CONCERNS: Correcting environmental code violations at the owner's expense reduces blight in neighborhood. Allowing the violations to remain has a major effect on the quality of life of residents of Peoria.
IMPACT IF APPROVED: The Community Development Department will be allowed to issue a work order to a private contractor to remove an environmental violation at a property and charge the owner accordingly.
IMPACT IF DENIED: The Community Development ...
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