Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to APPROVE Change Order #1 for a One-Year Extension of the CONCRETE REPAIRS CONTRACT - 2016 with HOROWITZ CONCRETE CO. and to Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Change Order, for a Total Budget Amount of $100,000.00. (Amends 16-216) (All Council Districts)
BACKGROUND: Public Works proposes to continue a concrete repair contract similar to the annual storm sewer repair contract. This contract extension would eliminate the delays experienced waiting for the design, bidding, letting and Council approval of individual contracts for each project. The repairs will be designed "in the field" and paid based on the time and materials bid. This is an opportunity for the Public Works Engineering Division to improve efficiency and be more responsive.
This contract will be used to make traffic calming improvements and for other concrete repairs, as needed.
The original unit prices bid shall remain in effect for the contract extensions. The contract change is germane to the original contract as signed.
Horowitz Concrete Co. is a local business that has successfully performed similar work for the City in the past.
The Good Faith Efforts documentation submitted by Horowitz Concrete Co. in 2016 was reviewed and approved by the Equal Opportunity Manager. The scope of work to be performed on this project varies from location to location. As a result, Horowitz cannot project how much subcontract work will be available. However, they have committed to utilizing, on an as-needed basis, a Women Business Enterprises (WBE) for landscaping work and trucking. During the 2016 Concrete Repair contract Horowitz has been performing with a 34.39% minority utilization rate and staff anticipates them to continue meeting and exceeding the City's goal.+
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Funding is available through the 2017 Community Investment Plan for the roadway infrastructur...
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