Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to ACCEPT the LOW BID of R.A. CULLINAN & SON, A DIVISION OF UNITED CONTRACTORS MIDWEST, INC. and Award a Construction CONTRACT, in the Amount of $5,017,561.32, which is the Base Bid of $4,778,629.83 and 5% for contingency, for the SHERIDAN ROAD PHASE 1 - ELEANOR PLACE to MCCLURE AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. (Council District 2)
BACKGROUND: The Sheridan Road segment between McClure Avenue and Richmond Avenue has been budgeted for reconstruction in the community investment plan since 2012. The first portion of Sheridan to be reconstructed is from McClure to Eleanor. There were two public meetings held for input on the roadway design, which determined the new Sheridan Road will follow Complete and Green infrastructure policies. There will be a permeable paver bike lane, new sidewalks, new ornamental street lighting and a new full depth hot mix asphalt roadway.
Hanson Professional Services prepared the contract specifications and bids were received on July 19, 2016 with one bidder submitting. The results are shown below:
Base Bid Amount
R.A. Cullinan & Son, a Div. of UCM Inc.
R.A. Cullinan & Son is a local business that has successfully performed work for the City many times in the past.
The Good Faith Efforts documentation submitted by R. A. Cullinan & Son has been reviewed and approved by the Equal Opportunity Manager. The company will be using several Minority Business Enterprises to provide material and services equaling 5.4% and several Women Business Enterprises for services equaling 6.9% of the total bid amount.
Maurer Stutz Inc. will be performing Construction Engineering services through their Engineering Master Services Agreement with the City, which Council approved on April 12, 2016.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: $4,250,000 will be funded through roadway funds identified through the Community Investment Plan with the re...
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