Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to APPROVE the LOW BID of OTTO BAUM, in the Amount of $167,600.00, for the PROSPECT-ARCADIA TRAFFIC CALMING, with an Additional Authorization of $ 16,760.00 (10%) for Contingencies, for a Total Contract Award of $ 184,360.00. (Council District 3)
BACKGROUND: Prospect Road is a five-lane arterial roadway through the City of Peoria. The existing pedestrian crossing on the north side of Arcadia connects to Glen Oak Park and a bus stop. The City has been made aware of many near misses as pedestrians try to cross Prospect.
After reviewing the project area, City staff determined this would be a good location to narrow the roadway with bump-outs on the west side of Prospect. In addition, the center turn lane provides room to allow pedestrians to cross the street in two movements. Because a traffic study had been completed, the City was able to utilize Federal Transit Authority (FTA) 5310 funds that could no longer be utilized for a pedestrian improvement along War Memorial Drive.
Working with Tri-County Regional Planning Commission, the City got the funds reprogrammed for the Prospect-Arcadia project. The FTA funds will pay for 80% of the project up to $96,000.
The plans and specifications were prepared by Hanson Professional Services Inc. The Advertisement for Bids for this project was published in the Peoria Journal Star and on the City's website. Public Works opened Bids on January 26, 2023, with 3 bids received.
Contractor Total Bid
C&G Concrete $180,614.00
Otto Baum $167,600.00
ICCI $214,631.49
Engineer's Estimate $178,840.00
Otto Baum is a local business that has successfully performed work for the city in the past.
The subcontractor utilization statement submitted by the Otto Baum proposes that the company will be utilizing the following
* MBE subcontractor: Millennia Professional Services for testing and construction layout 6.33% ...
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