Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to Approve a RESOLUTION Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a LETTER OF INTENT with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the Proposed JURISDICTIONAL TRANSFER of RICHMAR ROAD in Peoria. (Refer to #13-260) [District 5]
BACKGROUND: Uptown Plaza is a planned commercial development located at the northeast corner of Richmar Road and Knoxville Avenue. When Knoxville Avenue was expanded by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) approximately ten years ago, IDOT acquired a portion of Richmar Road. On August 13, 2013, the City Council approved the annexation and rezoning of the development (Reference Agenda Item #13-260).
As the property research progressed, it was determined that IDOT owned a portion of Richmar Road where the proposed development's access is located. IDOT will not allow the access per their policies; but, the City would allow the access along this right-of-way if it were City-owned.
IDOT has agreed to prepare the necessary plats and agreements to transfer the subject property to the City, but they require a Council Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary Letter of Intent before they proceed any further. The proposed Resolution and correspondence from IDOT, including a location sketch, are attached to this communication.
Staff recommends proceeding with the jurisdictional transfer process.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: This action is revenue neutral. The developer will maintain the entrance to Uptown Plaza in this portion of Richmar Road to be jurisdictionally transferred to the City from IDOT.
NEIGHBORHOOD CONCERNS: The Uptown Plaza development was publicly discussed during the August, 2013 annexation and rezoning actions.
IMPACT IF APPROVED: IDOT will prepare plats and agreements for the formal jurisdictional transfer on a future City Council agenda.
IMPACT IF DENIED: IDOT will not proc...
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