Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending APPENDIX A, the Unified Development Code, Relating to PARKING OF VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS.
BACKGROUND: The proposed text amendment for parking of vehicles in residential districts is to correct a discrepancy between two sections of the city code to uniformly require vehicles, specifically trailers, to be stored on a hard surface.
Currently, Chapter 13 of the City Code requires vehicles, including trailers, to be parked on a paved surface. Section 8.1.7 of the Unified Development Code does not require trailers to be stored on a hard surface. This text amendment will require trailers to be stored on a hard surface, providing consistency with Chapter 13.
The Planning & Zoning Commission voted 4 to 0 to approve the text amendment. See the attached Planning & Zoning Commission meeting minutes.
Note that the Land Development Code currently allows for alternative parking surfaces per the section below.
"The intent of the City is to allow and encourage innovative parking surfaces that promote sustainability and utilize effective on-site storm water management techniques. This may include but not limited to permeable pavers and porous paving systems. This alternative system must be contained within the designated parking area, able to support commercial vehicles, and have the ability to be striped to define individual parking spaces. A gravel parking surface is prohibited unless approved as part of porous paving system which achieves the intent of this section.
Off-street parking facilities, including access, may be surfaced with asphalt, Portland cement, interlocking concrete paver or brick, or bituminous cement binder pavement.
All parking surfaces must be treated in such a manner as to provide a durable and dustless sur...
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