Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to APPROVE the following CONTRACT Renewals for the 2018 FACILITIES, BOULEVARDS & RIGHTS-OF-WAY MOWING PROGRAM and the Award of Contracts, in the Total Amount of $72,290.00, as Follows:
A. CLASSY GRASS, in the Amount of $44,658.00, Plus an Additional 10% for Contingencies;
B. STEVE WALTON, in the Amount of $21,060.00, Plus an Additional 10% for Contingencies.
BACKGROUND: A Request for Proposals (RFP) was created in 2017 by Public Works staff for the mowing of public properties at city facilities, in boulevards, and public rights-of-way. An RFP format was used so that the City could get the best combination of price and businesses qualified to complete the work per city specifications. From past practice, Staff determined that most of these mowing operations are too small to complete the city's entire mowing contract and still service their regular customers. Therefore, in order to allow smaller contractors to bid, and to get the best prices, this mowing contract was divided into five (5) routes totaling approximately 75 acres. Bidders were asked to renew their contracts originally awarded in 2017.
The contractors were selected in 2017 based on the following five criteria: Project Cost, Project Approach, Experience, Non-Profit Organization, and WBE/MBE Qualifications. Two (2) contractors were selected to mow the 5 routes: Classy Grass and Steve Walton, both of whom have previous city experience.
For budgeting purposes, it is estimated that each route will be mowed eighteen (18) times this season. An additional 10% has been added to the contract award request, for contingencies such as the addition of properties to be mowed throughout the season. Also, in the event of a wet weather season, assigned locations may have to be mowed additional times.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: These contracts will be paid from Public Works Ground Services Account 101-3124...
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