Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following: (Council District 2)
A. ACCEPT the LOW BID of R.A. CULLINAN, a Division of United Contractors Midwest (UCM), in the Amount of $10,710,261.63, and APPROVE a CONTRACT for the GLEN AVENUE REHABILITATION PROJECT, with an Additional Authorization of $480,108.37 (4.5%) for Contingencies, for a Total Award of $11,190,370.00; and,
B. APPROVE a STATE MOTOR FUEL TAX RESOLUTION in the Amount of $7,580,000.00, Utilizing Rebuild Illinois Funds for Construction of the GLEN AVENUE REHABILITATION PROJECT (WAR MEMORIAL DRIVE to UNIVERSITY STREET).
BACKGROUND: Glen Avenue from War Memorial Drive to University Street is in need of reconstruction due to poor road condition. Glen Avenue has an existing PCI of 46. Glen is an important commercial corridor in the city. The project will reconstruct the concrete pavement, install new curb and gutter, traffic signals, repair sections of sidewalk, and drainage improvements. Staff anticipates construction will be completed by October 31, 2024.
Midwest Engineering Associates, Inc. prepared the plans and specifications. Public Works received bids on June 9, 2022, with two (2) bidders submitting.
The results are shown below:
Total Bid
RA Cullinan
Otto Baum
The Engineer's estimate for the project is $8,311,147.20
While the construction cost is over budget, staff does not anticipate the cost to go down if we rebid the project. The current bid environment is elevated due to material costs and increased costs of labor. This project has already been delayed several years due to the COVID crisis and the scope of the project has been reduced such that all items in the current bid need to be completed. Therefore, staff is recommending the project be awarded.
The subcontractor utilization statement submitted by prime contractor, R.A. Cullinan demonstrates that the compa...
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