Communication from the Human Resource Director and the City Manager with a Request to Enter into an AGREEMENT between the City of Peoria and All Employee Bargaining Units to Extend the JOINT LABOR/MANAGEMENT HEALTH CARE COMMITTEE (LMHCC) for Three (3) Years, Effective January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2024 (10th Extension).
BACKGROUND: The Joint Labor/Management Health Care Committee continues to work successfully as a group with the current Health Care Consultant and their actuary to review plan design changes, offer an accredited High Deductible Plan as an alternative Plan which helps contain costs, reduce the City's GASB liability by offering a fully-insured Medicare Advantage Plan to post-65 retirees, offer a Family Advantage Health Plan to eligible current employees which also helps contain costs, and monitor the City's Plan to be in line with the Affordable Care Act. The Tenth Extension of the Health Care Committee provides the means to continue to collaboratively make changes and stay on the cutting edge of health care issues. Each of the employee groups have agreed to this Ninth Extension of the Agreement for the Joint Labor/Management Health Care Committee, contingent on approval by the City Council.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: With the collaborative work of the Joint Labor/Management Health Care Committee, the City's Health Care budget will be positively affected by the discount arrangements the City is able to obtain by negotiating for all the City employees as a whole.
IMPACT IF APPROVED: The Joint Labor/Management Health Care Committee will continue to work as a group to deal with the City's Health Care issues and bring about additional changes to the health plan in an effort to contain costs.
IMPACT IF DENIED: Current labor agreements require negotiation of health care if the LMHCC is not extended and expires. Health Care for small bargaining unit groups would most likely cost substan...
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