Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to APPROVE and AWARD CONTRACTS for the 2023 City of Peoria and Peoria County Trustee VACANT LOT MOWING PROGRAM (Bid #15-23), in an Amount Not to Exceed $572,854.00. (All Council Districts)
BACKGROUND: The City-maintained vacant lots are owned by either the City of Peoria or the Peoria County Trustee. The Peoria County Trustee acquires properties through the tax deed process and holds these properties on behalf of all taxing bodies until they are sold at auction. If the properties are not sold, they remain in the Trustee's possession; however, the Trustee does not currently maintain these properties. The responsibility to maintain properties within the corporate limits of Peoria falls to City staff.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) was created on February 16, 2023, by Purchasing and Public Works staff for the mowing of these vacant lots. An RFP format was used so the City could get the best combination of price and businesses qualified to complete the work per City specifications. From past practice, City staff determined most of these mowing operations are too small to complete the City's entire mowing contract while still servicing their regular customers; therefore, to allow smaller contractors to bid, and to get the best prices, this mowing contract was divided into fifteen (15) routes.
Eight (8) contractors were selected to mow the 15 routes based on the following five (5) criteria: Project Cost, Project Approach, Experience, Non-Profit Organization, and WBE/MBE qualifications as noted below. Three (3) contractors are non-profit, seven (7) are WBE/MBE qualified and six (6) have had previous experience working on the City of Peoria's mowing contracts.
Heartland Lawn & Handy Services, LLC
Law'n Order Academy Inc.
Non-Profit, W/MBE
7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Hulse Lawn Care
5, 6
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