| 1 | | | Dates Set | TUESDAY, June 27, 2017, at 6:00 P.M.
PUBLIC HEARING Regarding the Proposed Annexation of a Property having the Address of 6014 WEST EAGLECREEK DRIVE, Peoria, Illinois to be held at city Hall, Council Chamber (Room 400), 419 Fulton Street, Peoria, Illinois.
TUESDAY, June 27, 2017, at 6:00 P.M.
PUBLIC HEARING Regarding the Proposed Annexation of a Property having the Address of 6025 WEST EAGLECREEK DRIVE, Peoria, Illinois to be held at city Hall, Council Chamber (Room 400), 419 Fulton Street, Peoria, Illinois. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Township Item | Communication from the Town Board with a Request to APPROVE MONTHLY ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES for JUNE 2017 for the Town of the City of Peoria. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Bradley NASA Presentation | Presentation | Communication from the City Manager with a Request to Receive and File a Presentation by Bradley University Regarding the NASA Centennial Challenge. | received and filed | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Facade Improvement - 1919 N. Knoxville | Action Item | Communication from the City Manager with a Request to APPROVE a FAÇADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Grant for QUAD CITIES CONSOLIDATED at 1919 KNOXVILLE AVE., in an Amount Not to Exceed $5,000.00. (Council District 2) | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | North University Project | Contract | Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to APPROVE the Selection Process and Approve an AGREEMENT with the HERMANN & ASSOCIATES, LLC and HUTCHINSON ENGINEERING, INC. TEAM, in the Amount Not to Exceed $500,000.00, for Engineering Services for the NORTH UNIVERSITY STREET from PIONEER PARKWAY to TOWNLINE ROAD PROJECT. (Council District 5) | deferred | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Northmoor Road Improvement | Action Item | Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following: (Council District 4)
A. APPROVE a Local Agency AGREEMENT for Federal Participation with the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION to Request 70% STU Federal Funding (not to exceed $6,475,000.00) and 80% ITEP Federal Funding (not to exceed $55,431.00) for the NORTHMOOR ROAD IMPROVEMENT - ALLEN ROAD to UNIVERSITY STREET; and
B. APPROVE a RESOLUTION Authorizing the City’s Estimated Minimum Local Agency Funding Match ($4,769,569.00), Subject to the Approval of the Illinois Department of Transportation, for the NORTHMOOR ROAD IMPROVEMENT - ALLEN ROAD to UNIVERSITY STREET. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Action Item | Authorize the City Manager to RENEW PROPERTY AND CONTENTS and AUTO CATASTROPHIC COVERAGE INSURANCE WITH ALLIANT/MESIROW INSURANCE SERVICES INC. For a Cost of $130,101.35 | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Ordinance | Communication from the City Manager and the Community Development Director with a Request to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending CHAPTER 5 of the CODE of the City of Peoria, Requiring a 30-DAY DEMOLITION REVIEW PERIOD FOR ALL DEMOLITION PERMITS. | deferred | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Site Application - Wisconsin Tap | Site Approval | Communication from the City Manager and Corporation Counsel with a Request to APPROVE the SITE APPLICATION for a Class A (Tavern) Liquor License with the Retail Sale of Alcohol at WISCONSIN TAP, 1918 N. WISCONSIN, Contingent Upon the Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, with a Recommendation from the Liquor Commission to Approve. (Council District 3) | denied | Pass |
Action details