Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/10/2018 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
-or- Immediately Following the Annual Town Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
  1  Dates SetTUESDAY, APRIL 10, 2018, at 6:00 P.M. ANNUAL TOWN MEETING to be Held at City Hall, 419 Fulton Street, Room 400 (Council Chambers), Peoria, Illinois. TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 2018, at 6:05 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING Regarding the TOWN BUDGET and APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE and ANNUAL MEETING of the TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES to be Held at City Hall, 419 Fulton Street, Room 400 (Council Chambers), Peoria, Illinois.   Action details Not available
  1  ProclamationSkip The Straw Sheridan Road Nursery Hands Around The Courthouse Grandparent Alienation Day Parental Alienation Day Bring Light To The Fight Keep Peoria Beautiful   Action details Video Video
18-093 1 Harvard Phase 2 - Contract Award to Otto BaumContractCommunication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to ACCEPT the LOW BID of OTTO BAUM CO. in the Amount of $1,789,959.89, which is the Base Bid of $1,627,236.26 plus 10% for contingency, for the HARVARD AVE. PHASE 2 PROJECT - WAR MEMORIAL DRIVE to PURDUE STREET. (Council District 3)approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-094 1 JIMAX LANDSCAPE CONTRACTAgreementCommunication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to APPROVE a Renewal of an AGREEMENT with JIMAX LANDSCAPE, LLC for One (1) Year for the LANDSCAPE STEWARDSHIP AND MAINTENANCE PROJECT to December 31, 2018, not to exceed $150,000.00. (All Council Districts)approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-095 1 1st Amend to CMT MSAAgreementCommunication from City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to APPROVE the First Amendment to MASTER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT #16-119-D with CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC., for a Not to Exceed Amount of $250,000.00 Extension for Design Engineering and Other Various Services in 2018. (All Council Districts)approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-096 1 Parking Decks - 2018 Contracts with Peoria Metro (repairs) & JC Dillon (install PVC for fiber lines)AgreementCommunication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following: A. APPROVE a CONTRACT with PEORIA METRO CONSTRUCTION for the Structural Repairs of the Niagara, Jefferson, Twin Towers, and the One Technology Parking Decks, in an Amount Not to Exceed $1,706,210.25. (Council District 1) B. APPROVE a CONTRACT with J.C. DILLON, INC. to Provide Directional Boring and the Installation of 2” PVC Conduit and Electrical Handholes to Allow City Staff to Install Fiber Optic Line to Niagara, Jefferson, and One Technology Parking Decks for the Parking Control Equipment, in an Amount Not to Exceed $58,445.68. (Council District 1) C. ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending the City of Peoria 2018 AMENDED ANNUAL BUDGET Relating to the Capital Fund to Recognize the Receipt of $11,306.18 from the Technology Deck Escrow Account and the Corresponding Expenditure to Provide Directional Boring and the Installation of 2” PVC Conduit and Electrical Handholes for this Facility. (Council District 1)approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-096 1 Parking Decks - 2018 Contracts with Peoria Metro (repairs) & JC Dillon (install PVC for fiber lines)AgreementCommunication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following: A. APPROVE a CONTRACT with PEORIA METRO CONSTRUCTION for the Structural Repairs of the Niagara, Jefferson, Twin Towers, and the One Technology Parking Decks, in an Amount Not to Exceed $1,706,210.25. (Council District 1) B. APPROVE a CONTRACT with J.C. DILLON, INC. to Provide Directional Boring and the Installation of 2” PVC Conduit and Electrical Handholes to Allow City Staff to Install Fiber Optic Line to Niagara, Jefferson, and One Technology Parking Decks for the Parking Control Equipment, in an Amount Not to Exceed $58,445.68. (Council District 1) C. ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending the City of Peoria 2018 AMENDED ANNUAL BUDGET Relating to the Capital Fund to Recognize the Receipt of $11,306.18 from the Technology Deck Escrow Account and the Corresponding Expenditure to Provide Directional Boring and the Installation of 2” PVC Conduit and Electrical Handholes for this Facility. (Council District 1)approvedPass Action details Video Video
18-096 1 Parking Decks - 2018 Contracts with Peoria Metro (repairs) & JC Dillon (install PVC for fiber lines)AgreementCommunication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following: A. APPROVE a CONTRACT with PEORIA METRO CONSTRUCTION for the Structural Repairs of the Niagara, Jefferson, Twin Towers, and the One Technology Parking Decks, in an Amount Not to Exceed $1,706,210.25. (Council District 1) B. APPROVE a CONTRACT with J.C. DILLON, INC. to Provide Directional Boring and the Installation of 2” PVC Conduit and Electrical Handholes to Allow City Staff to Install Fiber Optic Line to Niagara, Jefferson, and One Technology Parking Decks for the Parking Control Equipment, in an Amount Not to Exceed $58,445.68. (Council District 1) C. ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending the City of Peoria 2018 AMENDED ANNUAL BUDGET Relating to the Capital Fund to Recognize the Receipt of $11,306.18 from the Technology Deck Escrow Account and the Corresponding Expenditure to Provide Directional Boring and the Installation of 2” PVC Conduit and Electrical Handholes for this Facility. (Council District 1)adoptedPass Action details Video Video
18-086 1 Building permit fee amendmentOrdinanceCommunication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending Chapter 5 of the CODE of the City of Peoria Related to FEES.adoptedPass Action details Not available
18-097 1  AppointmentAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ardis to the DOWNTOWN ADVISORY COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: Jon C. Neidy (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018concurredPass Action details Not available
18-098 1  ReportAPPROVE the COMMITTEE REPORT (POLICY SESSION) Regarding WASTE COLLECTION SERVICES.received and filedPass Action details Not available
18-099 1  OrdinanceCommunication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending Appendix A, the Unified Development Code, of the City of Peoria Relating to MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS IN OFFICE, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICTS. (City Wide)placed on the consent agendaPass Action details Video Video
18-018 1  OrdinanceCommunication from the City Manager and Corporation Counsel with a Request to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending Chapter 18 of the CODE of the City of Peoria Pertaining to BODYWORK ESTABLISHMENTS.deferredPass Action details Video Video