Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/22/2014 6:15 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location:
City Hall Council Chambers, Room 400 419 Fulton Street, Peoria, Illinois
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
  1  ProclamationProclamations Great American Clean-Up - April 26, 2014 FEMA National Day of Action - April 30, 2014 Peoria Startup Weekend - May 2-4, 2014 Municipal Clerks Week - May 4-10, 2014 Peoria Craft Beer Week - May 12-18, 2014 Asian Indian Month - May 2014   Action details Not available
14-143 1  Action ItemPUBLIC HEARING Regarding the Proposal to Create a PEORIA SPORTS CENTER PROPERTY TAX SPECIAL SERVICE AREA.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-143 1  Action ItemPUBLIC HEARING Regarding the Proposal to Create a PEORIA SPORTS CENTER PROPERTY TAX SPECIAL SERVICE AREA.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-144 1  Action ItemPUBLIC HEARING Regarding the Proposal to Create a PEORIA SPORTS CENTER HOTEL TAX SPECIAL SERVICE AREA.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-144 1  Action ItemPUBLIC HEARING Regarding the Proposal to Create a PEORIA SPORTS CENTER HOTEL TAX SPECIAL SERVICE AREA.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-145 1  Action ItemPUBLIC HEARING Regarding the Proposal to Create a PEORIA SPORTS CENTER SALES TAX SPECIAL SERVICE AREA.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-145 1  Action ItemPUBLIC HEARING Regarding the Proposal to Create a PEORIA SPORTS CENTER SALES TAX SPECIAL SERVICE AREA.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-146 1  Action ItemPUBLIC HEARING Regarding the Proposal to Create a HOLIDAY INN PROPERTY TAX SPECIAL SERVICE AREA.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-146 1  Action ItemPUBLIC HEARING Regarding the Proposal to Create a HOLIDAY INN PROPERTY TAX SPECIAL SERVICE AREA.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-147 1  Action ItemPUBLIC HEARING Regarding the Proposal to Create a HOLIDAY INN HOTEL TAX SPECIAL SERVICE AREA.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-147 1  Action ItemPUBLIC HEARING Regarding the Proposal to Create a HOLIDAY INN HOTEL TAX SPECIAL SERVICE AREA.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-148 1  Action ItemPUBLIC HEARING Regarding the Proposal to Create a HOLIDAY INN SALES TAX SPECIAL SERVICE AREA.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-148 1  Action ItemPUBLIC HEARING Regarding the Proposal to Create a HOLIDAY INN SALES TAX SPECIAL SERVICE AREA.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-149 1 Lawsuit filed by Human Service Center, as Subrogee of Brandon Vaughan and ICT/IRMS a/k/a IHAStaff, as Subrogee of Brandon Vaughan v. City; Public WorksAction ItemCommunication from the City Manager and Interim Corporation Counsel with a Request to Receive for Information and to Refer to the Legal Department the NOTICE OF LAWSUIT Filed on Behalf of the HUMAN SERVICE CENTER, as Subrogee of BRANDON VAUGHAN, and ICT/IRMS, a/k/a IHASTAFF, as Subrogee of BRANDON VAUGHAN and Against the City of Peoria and the City of Peoria Public Works Department.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-150 1  Action ItemCommunication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Approve the Revised 2014-2018 HUD CONSOLIDATED PLAN and 2014 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN for Submittal to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), with a Total 2014 Grant Request of $2,215,827.00.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-151 1 Authorize RFQ for Storm Water Utility Master ServicesAction ItemCommunication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to Receive and File the REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF INTEREST AND QUALIFICATIONS for the Proposed STORM WATER UTILITY MASTER SERVICES and Authorize the Public Works Department to Solicit Proposals from Consulting Engineers for the Proposed Storm Water Utility Master Services. (Refer to Item #14-124)deferredPass Action details Not available
14-152 1 Townline Rd Permanent EasementAction ItemCommunication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to Approve Payment to VCNA PRAIRIE, INC., in the Amount of $8,300.00, for a Permanent Drainage EASEMENT on a Portion of Parcel 14-05-101-001 for the TOWNLINE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT. [District 5]approvedPass Action details Not available
14-153 1  Action ItemCommunication from the City Manager and the Chief of Police with a Request to APPROVE the PURCHASE of Sixty (60) GX440 Airlink Verizon 4-G WIRELESS MODEMS for Use in Police Vehicles from CDS Office Technologies, in the Amount of $41,280.00, from Approved Capital Improvement Plan Funds.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-154 1 Orange Prairie North Sect Constr & Engnrng AgrmtsContractCommunication from City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following: A. To Accept the LOW BID of R.A. CULLINAN AND SON, INC. a Division of UCM, Inc. and Award a CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT, in the Amount of $4,814,136.78, with an Additional Authorization of $481,413.68 (10% for Contingencies) for the STAGE 3 ORANGE PRAIRIE ROAD EXTENSION PROJECT (NORTH SECTION) Subject to Approval by the Illinois Department of Transportation; and B. To Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute ADDENDUM NO. 6 to the Professional Services AGREEMENT with FARNSWORTH GROUP, in the Amount of $492,000.00, for Construction Engineering Services for the STAGE 3 ORANGE PRAIRIE ROAD EXTENSION PROJECT, for a New Total Not to Exceed Contract Amount of $2,991,650.00 Subject to Approval by the Illinois Department of Transportation (Amends 10-187). [District 5]approvedPass Action details Not available
14-155 1 Contract w Hulse LawncareContractCommunication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to Accept the LOW BID and Approve a CONTRACT with HULSE LAWNCARE, in the Amount of $18,000.00 for the 2014 MOWING OF CITY-OWNED VACANT LOTS.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-156 1  ContractCommunication from the City Manager and Human Resources Director with a Request to Authorize Execution of a CONTRACT with RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES (RMA), in the Amount of $47,694.00, to Administer Fire Captain Promotional Examination.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-157 1 Intergovernmental Agreeement Peoria School Dist 150OrdinanceConsideration of the Following: A. Communication from the City Manager and the Finance Director/Comptroller with a Request to Adopt an ORDINANCE Amending the CITY OF PEORIA GENERAL FUND BUDGET for Fiscal Year 2014 to Recognize the Reimbursement from PEORIA PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT 150 for the Provision of Four Police Officers and the Correlating Increase in Personnel Services. (Budget Amendment requires 2/3 affirmative votes of those voting) B. Communication from the City Manager and the Chief of Police AUTHORIZING the City Manager to enter into the INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT with PEORIA PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT 150 to Provide Four Police Officers.adoptedPass Action details Not available
14-158 1 IAWC and IDOT Agrmts Re: Allen Road Improvement ProjectAgreementCommunication from City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following: A. Approve an AGREEMENT with ILLINOIS-AMERICAN WATER COMPANY (IAWC) for City Reimbursement of IAWC Water Main Costs, in an Estimated Not-to-Exceed Amount of $327,800.00, in Association with the Illinois Department of Transportation’s IMPROVEMENT of ALLEN ROAD from Townline Road to South of Alta Road; and B. Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute an AGREEMENT with the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, in an Amount Not to Exceed $355,660.00 for the City’s Participation in Sidewalk, Traffic Signal, and Water Main Costs Associated with the IMPROVEMENT of ALLEN ROAD from Townline Road to South of Alta Road (Location Map Attached); and C. Approve the Attached MFT RESOLUTION, in the Amount of $27,870.00, for the City’s Costs Associated with the Improvement. [District 5]approvedPass Action details Not available
14-159 1 Westlake SSA Public HearingOrdinanceRequest from the City Manager to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Proposing the Imposition of an Additional SALES TAX within the Existing WESTLAKE SPECIAL SERVICE AREA and Providing for a PUBLIC HEARING and Other Procedures in Connection Therewith. (4th Council District)adoptedPass Action details Not available
14-160 1 Set Date for Sports Complex SSAsAction ItemRequest from the City Manager to SET THE DATE of May 27, 2014, for the City Council to Consider Adoption of the ORDINANCES Creating the Six (6) SPECIAL SERVICE AREAS for the LOUISVILLE SLUGGER SPORTS COMPLEX. (5th Council District)approvedPass Action details Not available
14-161 1  OrdinanceCommunication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Site Plan Review Board to Adopt an ORDINANCE Reducing the 100 Foot CENTERLINE SETBACK REQUIREMENT Along Prospect Road for the Property Located at 717 E. Bittersweet Lane, Peoria, Illinois (PIN 14-22-101-013). (Council District 3).adoptedPass Action details Not available
14-162 1  OrdinanceCommunication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE REZONING Property from a Class O-1 (Arterial Office) District to a Class C-1 (General Commercial) District for the Property Located at 1310 - 1314 W. FORREST HILL AVENUE (14-32-131-007), Peoria, Illinois. Case No. ZC 14-07. (Council District 2)adoptedPass Action details Not available
14-163 1  Action ItemCommunication from the City Manager and the Interim Corporation Counsel with a Request to DENY the SITE APPLICATION for a Class CG (Gas Station) Liquor License with On-Site Consumption and Retail Sale of Alcohol at FAST STOP, 3606 N. PROSPECT, with Recommendation from the Liquor Commission to Deny. (DISTRICT 3)approvedPass Action details Not available
14-164 1  Action ItemCommunication from the City Manager and the Interim Corporation Counsel with a Request to Approve the SITE APPLICATION for a Class B (Restaurant, 50% Food) Liquor License with the Restriction of Sale of Alcohol for On-Site Consumption Only at 3 REALES, 1621 N. KNOXVILLE, with a Recommendation from the Liquor Commission to Approve. (DISTRICT 2)approvedPass Action details Not available
14-165 1  OrdinanceCommunication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from Staff to Adopt: A. An ORDINANCE Annexing Property Located North of IL Route 6, South of Alta Lane, East of Radnor Road, Along the West Side of Allen Road, Commonly Known as the GLENHAVEN SUBDIVISION, and B. An ORDINANCE Annexing Property Located North of IL Route 6, West of Allen Road and South of Alta Lane, commonly known as WILDER-WAITE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, Property Identified as Parcel Identification Numbers 09-31-102-004 and 09-31-102-005, with an Address of 10021 N. PACIFIC STREET, Peoria, Illinois 61615.adoptedPass Action details Not available
14-166 1  Action ItemCommunication from the City Manager and the Interim Corporation Counsel with a Request to Approve the SITE APPLICATION for a Class E-1 (Private Club Over 200) Liquor License with On-Site Consumption and Retail Sale of Alcohol at the JOHN C. PROCTOR ENDOWMENT HOME, 2724 W. RESERVOIR BLVD., with a Recommendation from the Liquor Commission to Approve. (DISTRICT 4)approvedPass Action details Not available
14-167 1  Action ItemCommunication from the City Manager and the Interim Corporation Counsel with a Request to Approve the SITE APPLICATION for Class E-1 (Private Club Over 200) Liquor License with On-Site Consumption and Retail Sale of Alcohol at the CONTEMPORARY ART CENTER OF PEORIA, 305 SW WATER, UNIT 2A, with Recommendation from the Liquor Commission to Approve. (DISTRICT 1)approvedPass Action details Not available
14-168 1 HRC AppointmentsAppointmentAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ardis to the ADVISORY COMMISSION ON HUMAN RESOURCES with a Request to Concur: Ms. Amy Eckardt (Voting) - Term Expiration June 30, 2017 Mr. Patrick Kirchhofer (Voting) - Term Expiration June 30, 2017 Mr. Brett Kolditz (Voting) - Term Expiration June 30, 2017 Mr. Josh Moore (Voting) - Term Expiration June 30, 2017 Ms. Nancy Venzon (Voting) - Term Expiration June 30, 2017concurredPass Action details Not available
14-169 1  Action ItemAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ardis to the METROPOLITAN AIRPORT AUTHORITY BOARD with a Request to Concur: Mr. Frank Crespo (Voting) - Term Expiration June 30, 2019approvedPass Action details Not available
14-170 1  Action ItemCommunication from the City Treasurer Regarding the MARKET VALUE of the PEORIA POLICE PENSION FUND as of MARCH 31, 2014, with Request to Receive and File.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-171 1 Curb Participation Policy First ReadingAction ItemCommunication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to APPROVE the SIDEWALK POLICY Amending Policy #10-087 to Add CURB PARTICIPATION within the Existing Sidewalk Policies. MOTION ON THE FLOOR: To Approve.moved agenda item forwardPass Action details Not available
14-172 1 Public Art Advisory CommissionOrdinanceCommunication from the City Manager with a Request to Adopt an ORDINANCE Amending CHAPTER 2 of the CODE of the City of Peoria Pertaining to the Creation of the PEORIA PUBLIC ARTS ADVISORY COMMISSION.moved agenda item forwardPass Action details Not available
14-173 1 Richard Pryor StatueAction ItemCommunication from the City Manager with a Request to Accept an Offer from the AFRICAN AMERICAN HALL OF FAME to Lend the City, for Placement at the Corner of State Street and Washington Street, a Statue of RICHARD PRYOR. (1st Council District)approvedPass Action details Not available
14-174 1 Preston Female Sculpture OfferAction ItemCommunication from the City Manager with a Request to Accept an Offer from PRESTON JACKSON to Lend the City, for Placement in the 600 Block of SW Washington Street, a STAINLESS STEEL STATUE Highlighting Women’s Contributions to Societal Change. (1st Council District)approvedPass Action details Not available
14-175 1  Action ItemCommunication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Approve the Recommendation from the Human Resource Commission for 2014 CDBG PUBLIC SERVICE FUNDING, in the Total Amount of $237,285.00.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-176 1  Action ItemCommunication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Recommendation to ENACT a MORATORIUM on the ENFORCEMENT of Certain Regulations Related to the ANIMATION OF SIGNS.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-177 1  OrdinanceCommunication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE REZONING Property from a Class P-1 (Parking) District to a Class R-4 (Single-Family Residential) District for the Property Located at 602 W. NEBRASKA AVENUE (Parcel Identification Numbers 18-04-101-035 and 18-04-101-030), and AMENDING Existing Special Use Ordinance 16,230 and Special Exception Ordinances 11,700 and 11,344, with a SPECIAL USE for a PUBLIC SCHOOL to Construct Accessory ATHLETIC FACILITIES in an R-4 (Single-Family Residential) District for the Property Located at 1803, 1805, 1809, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1815, 1819, & 1820 N. ELLIS STREET; 410, 412, 414, 416, 420, 424, 430, 434, 506, 510, & 602 W. NEBRASKA AVENUE; 1615, 1701, 1716, 1720, 1801, 1811, 1813, 1817, & 1821 N. NORTH STREET; and 501 W. RICHMOND AVENUE (Parcel Identification Numbers 18-04-101-021, -022, -024, -025, -028, -029, -030, -033, -034, -035; 18-04-102-005, -006, -007, -008; 18-04-103-003, -005, -006, -007, -008, -009, -010, -016, -0adoptedPass Action details Not available
14-178 1  Action ItemCommunication from the City Manager and the Interim Corporation Counsel with a Request to Approve the RESOLUTION Approving SITES Located in the City of Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois to be Acquired, Altered, and Improved by the Public Building Commission of Peoria County, Illinois and Leased by the Commission to the Board of Education of the City Of Peoria, SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER 150, Peoria County, Illinois - PEORIA HIGH SCHOOL.approvedPass Action details Not available
14-179 1 Ord Vacating Streets&Alleys for PeoriaHighSchoolOrdinanceCommunication from City Manager and Director of Public Works with Request to Adopt an ORDINANCE VACATING a Portion of ELLIS STREET from the Southern Side of Nebraska Avenue to Woodruff Boulevard; a Portion of WOODRUFF BOULEVARD from the Southern Side of Nebraska Avenue to the Eastern Side of the North-South Alley between Ellis Street and Sheridan Road; a Portion of the East-West Alley South of Lots 14-27 Along Nebraska Avenue and a Portion of the North-South Alley West of Lots 1-6 Along North Street; and a Portion of the North-South Alley East of Lot 20 and West of Lots 12, 13, and 21 Along North Street; And Four Alleys in the Northwest Corner of Richmond Avenue and North Street. (Exhibits Attached). [District 2]adoptedPass Action details Not available
14-180 1  Action ItemCommunication from the City Manager and the Interim Corporation Counsel with a Request to APPROVE the SITE APPLICATION for a Class A (Tavern) Liquor License with On-Site Consumption and Retail Sale of Alcohol and to DENY a Subclass 1A (2:00 A.M. Closing Hours) at CHAMP’S WEST, 515 N. WESTERN, with a Recommendation from the Liquor Commission. (DISTRICT 2)approvedPass Action details Not available
14-037 3  OrdinanceReplacement Communication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning Commission and Staff for the Following: A. To Approve a RESOLUTION Approving an Annexation Agreement; B. To Approve a RESOLUTION to Amend the OFFICIAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN for the City of Peoria to Change the Future Land Use Designation of Property Currently Designated Low Density Residential to High Density Residential; C. To Adopt an ORDINANCE Annexing the Property Generally Located West of IL Route 91, North of Parcel Identification Number 08-35-300-008, East of Orange Prairie Road Extended, and South of Parcel Identification Number 08-35-300-028. And To Concur with the Recommendation from Staff, with No Recommendation from the Zoning Commission Due to a Tie Vote for the Following: D. To Adopt an ORDINANCE Amending APPENDIX B, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Peoria, Rezoning Property from the Present Class R-3 (Single Family Residential) District to a Class R-6 (Multi-Family Residential) District; All fdeferredPass Action details Not available
14-113 2 MSA w TERRA & Counci ResoAuth CM to SignResolutionCommunication from the City Manager and Public Works Director with Supplemental Information to the Request to Approve the Following: A. MASTER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT with TERRA ENGINEERING, LTD., to Provide LAND ACQUISITION SERVICES to the City of Peoria on Various Projects; and B. RESOLUTION Authorizing the CITY MANAGER to Execute the CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the Use of MOTOR FUEL TAX FUNDS.approvedPass Action details Not available