Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/23/2015 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
  1  ProclamationIllinois Fatherless Week Awareness Campaign - June 15th - 21st Kindred Hospital - Silver Award   Action details Not available
15-195 1  Action ItemCommunication from the City Manager with a Request to Approve a FAÇADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Grant for 926 SW Adams, in an Amount of $5,000.00. (District 1)approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-196 1 CBDG Funding for SLFAction ItemCommunication from the City Manager with a Request to Approve the Allocation of $100,000.00 of CDBG ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUNDS to PEORIA SLF LP, LLC at the SE Corner of RB GARRETT AVE & RICHARD PRYOR PLACE (Tax ID# 18-09-110-028) (Council District 1).approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-197 1  AgreementCommunication from the City Manager and the Director of Community Development with a Recommendation to AMEND an AGREEMENT with EAST BLUFF NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING SERVICES (EBNHS) For FY2015, to Modify the Amount of Special Service Area (SSA) Funds Devoted to the Health and Safety Loan Program.approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-198 1 AGR with IDOT for MAINT OF MUNICIPAL STREETS 10 yrAgreementCommunication from City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to Approve an AGREEMENT with the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION for the MAINTENANCE OF MUNICIPAL STREETS within the City of Peoria for the Period of July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2025, and to Authorize the City Engineer to Modify Maintenance Locations as Necessary. (Refer to 05-338)approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-199 1 JAG GrantAgreementCommunication from the City Manager and the Chief of Police with a Request for Approval and Authorization to Execute an INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT Between the City of Peoria and the County of Peoria under the EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) Program FY2015 Local Solicitation, in the Amount of $64,078.00.approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-200 1 Approve Resolution releasing the Minutes of Closed MeetingsResolutionCommunication from the City Manager and Corporation Counsel with a Request to Approve the RESOLUTION Releasing the MINUTES of CLOSED MEETINGS Listed on Schedule A and Finding the Need for Confidentiality Remains as to the Minutes of Schedule B.approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-201 1  OrdinanceCommunication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE REZONING Property from a Class R-1 (Single-Family Residential) District to a Class C-2 (Large Scale Commercial) District for the Property Located at 812, 816, 822, and 828 W. GLEN AVENUE (Parcel Identification Numbers 14-20-427-008, -009, -011, -036, & -037 ), Peoria, Illinois, (Council District 3). Case No. PZ 15-29.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
15-202 1  OrdinanceCommunication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Granting a SPECIAL USE for Waivers from the FORM DISTRICT Requirements to Allow Temporary Banners and Planter Boxes Comprised of Composite Wood Material, for the Property Commonly Known as ONE WORLD CAFÉ and Located at 1229 and 1245 W. MAIN STREET (Parcel Identification Numbers 18-05-405-012, -013, & -019), Peoria, Illinois. (Council District 2). PZ Case No. 15-25.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
15-203 1  OrdinanceREPLACEMENT Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending an Existing SPECIAL USE Ordinance No. 17,014, in a Class C-2 (Large Scale Commercial) District for a Shopping Center to Add a Building and Revise the Site Plan for the Property Identified as Parcel Identification Numbers 09-32-126-008 (10128 N Eva Ln), 09-32-126-009 (10104 N Eva Ln), 09-32-126-013 (10117 N Knoxville Ave), 09-32-126-017, 09-32-126-020, 09-32-126-021, and 09-32-126-022 with a Temporary Address of 10023 N. KNOXVILLE AVE, PEORIA, IL (Council District 5)deferredPass Action details Video Video
15-204 1  OrdinanceCommunication from the City Manager and the Community Development Director with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from Staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending the SPECIAL USE Granted in Ordinance No. 13,221, as Amended, in a Class C-2 (Large Scale Commercial) District for a Shopping Center, to Allow the Development of Restaurant and Retail Establishments for the Property Commonly Known as NORTHWOODS MALL, Located at 2200 W. WAR MEMORIAL DRIVE (Parcel Identification Nos. 14-19-451-003, 14-30-201-002,14-19-451-007, 14-19-451-011 through -014), Peoria, Illinois.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
15-205 1  AppointmentREAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ardis to the CONSTITUTION GARDEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE with a Request to Concur: Mr. Aaron Coffeen (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018 Ms. Alexis Duhon (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018 Ms. Susan Grant (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2018 Ms. Jeanette Kosier (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2018 Mr. Josh Moore (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2018concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-206 1  AppointmentREAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ardis to the CONSTRUCTION COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: Mr. Kert Huber (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2019 Mr. Michael Snyder (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2019 Mr. Bill Goad (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2019concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-207 1  AppointmentREAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ardis to the DOWNTOWN ADVISORY COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: Mr. Mark Misselhorn (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-208 1  AppointmentREAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ardis to the HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: Mr. Timothy Herold (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018 Mr. Sid Paul Ruckriegel (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-209 1  AppointmentREAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ardis to the LIQUOR COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: Ms. Virginia White (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018 Councilman W. Eric Turner (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2016concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-210 1  AppointmentREAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ardis to the PEORIA HOUSING AUTHORITY with a Request to Concur: Mr. James Fassino (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-211 1  AppointmentREAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ardis to the PEORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES with a Request to Concur: Mr. Edward Barry (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018 Mr. Stephen Buck (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018 Ms. Jeanne Williamson (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-212 1  AppointmentREAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ardis to the POLICE PENSION FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES with a Request to Concur: Mr. Richard Firebaugh (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2017concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-213* 1  AppointmentREAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ardis to the SISTER CITY COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: Mr. Jeff Boss (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018 Mr. Leo Jordan (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-214 1  AppointmentAPPOINTMENT AND REAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ardis to the ADVISORY COMMISSION ON HUMAN RESOURCES with a Request to Concur: Mr. Anthony Gardner (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018 Mr. Norman Burdick (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018 Ms. Sheila Sader (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-215 1  AppointmentAPPOINTMENT AND REAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ardis to the ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON POLICE AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS with a Request to Concur: Mr. Savino Sierra (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018 Ms. Hamzah Firman (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-216 1  AppointmentREAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ardis to the FIRE AND POLICE COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: Ms. Janda Carter (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018 Mr. Thomas Jackson (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-217 1  AppointmentREAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ardis to the PLANNING AND ZONING with a Request to Concur: Ms. Michele Anderson (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018 Mr. Eric Heard (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018 Mr. Richard Unes (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-218 1  AppointmentREAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ardis to the SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL COMMITTEE with a Request to Concur: Mr. Stephen Van Winkle (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2017 Mr. Tim Riggenbach (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2016 Mr. Ryan Spain (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2016concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-219 1  AppointmentREAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ardis to the MUNICIPAL BAND COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: Ms. Mary Barthel (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018 Mr. Lee Wenger (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-220 1  AppointmentAPPOINTMENTS AND REAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ardis to the PEORIA PUBLIC ARTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE with a Request to Concur: Mr. Richard Zuckerman (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2017 Ms. Jennifer Gordon (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2017 Mr. Jonathon Romain (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-221 1  AppointmentAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ardis to the TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: Mr. George Ghareeb (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-222 1  AppointmentREAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ardis to the SPRINGDALE CEMETERY AUTHORITY with a Request to Concur: Mr. Kent Rotherham (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2019 Mr. Steve Kerr (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2019concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-223 1  AppointmentAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ardis to the ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS with a Request to Concur: Mr. Zachary Oyler (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2018concurredPass Action details Video Video
15-224 1  ReportAPPROVE the COMMITTEE REPORT (POLICY SESSION) Regarding an ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE POLICY.received and filedPass Action details Video Video
15-225 1  ReportAPPROVE the COMMITTEE REPORT (POLICY SESSION) Regarding CODE ENFORCEMENT COMPLIANT AND ENFORCEMENT PROCESS, Including Enforcement Along Commercial Corridors and Building Adaptive Reuse.approved as amendedPass Action details Video Video
15-226 1 Change Ord 1 to Orange Prairie 3 Constr ContractContractCommunication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to Approve a Change Order to the STAGE 3 ORANGE PRAIRIE ROAD EXTENSION PROJECT (NORTH SECTION) CONTRACT with R. A. CULLINAN & SON, A DIVISION of UNITED CONTRACTORS MIDWEST, INC., Subject to Approval by the Illinois Department of Transportation, and to Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Change Order, in the Not-To-Exceed Amount of $342,243.02, for Additional Pedestrian Improvements (Amends 14-154). [District 5]approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-227 1  Site ApprovalCommunication from the City Manager and Corporation Counsel with a Request to Approve the SITE APPLICATION for a Class G-B (beer & wine only restaurant) Liquor License with On-Site Consumption Only at BACCI PIZZA, 1222 W. BRADLEY AVENUE, with a Recommendation from the Liquor Commission to Approve Contingent Upon Compliance with Community Development Department’s concerns and with the Conditions that there be No Sale of Packaged Alcohol and No Video Gaming Terminals at the Site. (DISTRICT 2)deniedPass Action details Video Video
15-016 5 2016 - 2019 Budget ProjectionsAction ItemCommunication from the City Manager and the Finance Director/Comptroller with a Request for Continued Discussion Regarding the 2016-2017 CITY OF PEORIA BIENNIAL BUDGET.received and filedPass Action details Video Video
15-102 6 Transportation Network Carriers, Ch 30 Ordinance AmendmentsOrdinanceCommunication from the City Manager and Corporation Counsel with a Request to Adopt an ORDINANCE Amending Chapter 30 of the CODE of the City of Peoria Concerning Regulations Governing TAXI-CAB and TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES.approvedPass Action details Video Video