Communication from the City Manager and Interim Director of Public Works with a Request to ACCEPT the LOW BID of C&G CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO., in the Amount of $81,734.00, and Award a CONTRACT for the HARRISON IMPACT ZONE 2019 PROJECT, with an Additional Authorization of $8,266.00, for a Total Contract Award of $90,000.00. (Council District 1)
BACKGROUND: In 2018, the CDBG funding was not available in a timely sense to perform construction. Since then, the CDBG funds have become available through Community Development Department's coordination with HUD.
This will be the final year of Harrison Impact Zone infrastructure work per the Community Investment Plan. The focus of the 2019 work will be on sidewalk improvements on the south side of W Montana St, from Oregon St to Ligonier St. This project will also improve the sidewalk on the east side of Idaho St, from Trewyn Avenue to Montana Street.
HUD grant funding for Community Development Block Grants was approved for usage as of June 27, 2019. Hence, this contract was subsequently advertised for bids. The grant funds are to be expended by October 31, 2019.
The Harrison Impact Zone 2019 project was advertised, and bids were opened on July 12, 2019 with three bids received, as follows:
Contractor Total Bid
C&G Concrete $81,734.00
Illinois Civil Contractors, Inc. $96,777.00
Knapp Concrete $115,561.50
Engineer's base estimate: $88,814.00
Staff recommends authorizing this construction contract being increased above the bid amount to $90,000.
C&G Concrete is a local business that has worked for the City on several recent projects such as 2016's Manor Parkway and 2018's Warehouse District Sidewalks. They performed the Warehouse District Sidewalks project in late 2018 with 18.10% of hours performed by Minority workers.
The Good Faith Efforts documentation submitted by C&G Concrete has been reviewed and approved. C&G Concre...
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