Communication from the City Manager and the Community Development Director with a Request to APPROVE the Funding Recommendation from the Human Resources Commission for 2015 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PUBLIC SERVICE FUNDING, in the Total Amount of $233,269.00.
The City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Services program provides needed services to Peoria low-income residents through grants to local nonprofit organizations. On April 22, 2014, the City Council approved the Human Resources Commission's program and funding recommendations for the Public Service grantees for the 2014/2015 grant cycle (Item # 14-175). The City's Public Service program moved to a two year grant cycle to be consistent with the City's two year budget process. After the conclusion of the 2014 grant year, the Human Resources Commission conducted a formal review to assess the performance of the grantees and to make recommendations for continued grant funding.
The members of the Human Resources Commission reviewed progress reports from each of the 20 public service programs. Attachment A includes a summary of the individual program outcomes. On March 20, 2015, the Commission met to discuss the comments on the progress reports and make a funding recommendation. The Commission voted unanimously to continue funding for all 20 programs.
The funding amounts for each grant is based on an approximate 2% decrease from the 2014 recommendations for each program. Under federal regulations, the amount of the City's total CDBG allocation that can be spent on Public Services is subject to a 15% cap. Since the City's total CDBG allocation was decreased by 2%, the total amount available for Public Services also decreased by 2% to $233,269. The $233,269 for 2015 Public Services was included in the HUD 2015 Annual Action Plan approved by the City Council on March 24, 2015. Due to this decrease, the funding for each Public S...
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